The Psychology Behind Getting Him Back- By: Alfred Peterson

Description : It's probably no secret to you that guys think differently than women. Their entire thought process is different and how they act and react in a relationship is entirely different than how a woman might feel in the same given situation. This is what makes getting your ex boyfriend or husband so difficult. This simple fact make the study of male psychology and how men feel love, passion, desire and those warm fuzzy feelings so important.

First, if you are trying to get back together with your ex boyfriend or to keep your husband from filing divorce papers, throw all conventional wisdom out the window. Forget about conflict resolution, counseling and even talking things through. While all of these techniques or commonly accepted bits of advice might be helpful if things are just a little bad in your relationship, you're in a crisis situation. Your man has left you and it's your desire to get him back. His solution to the problems in the relationship were to leave the relationship.

Before you even open your mouth or send him another text message, he needs to have some sort of positive interest in you. No different than when you were dating, he needs to be attracted to you. As it stands right now, you probably have the opposite of attraction. He might humor you with replying to a text or answering your call but it wouldn't be because he feels love or attraction for you. So, how do you get that attraction back? How does a man go from rejecting you to being in love with you again?

Your first step needs to be to defuse any damage that has been done by the breakup and any post breakup damage that you may have done. This is most easily done by allowing a sort amount of time to pass without contact from you. Men can be stubborn sometimes but they usually do forget about the bad aspects of a relationship rather quickly especially when left to their own devices. He will become curious after a period of time and he will get tired of the single life rather quickly.

You might be afraid that he'll forget about you or that he'll fall in love with the single life or that he'll start dating someone else but there is nothing to be gained from calling him or texting him until there is some sort of attraction. If you have been doing a lot of calling or texting, you've actually been boosting his male ego and making him feel like he's better than you. The image in his mind of you is distorted as well as his own self image. He views you as being needy and weak while he feels pretty awesome about himself.

Back off for a short while and get your life together. Absence does make the heart grow fonder and time does heal many wounds from the past. This is your time to get your life together so when he does see you again he will be blown away and he will wonder why he ever left you in the first place. You might worry that he will forget about you or that you need to strike while the iron is hot and while this is true, patience is needed when it's your desire to get your ex back.

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Author Resource : Visit my blog to learn more about how to get your boyfriend back. See how using male psychology can help you to win him over.